Welcome to Living Waters Ministries!
Dedicated to the Spreading of the Gospel (Good News)
of Jesus the Christ (the Anointed one and His Anointing)

Ever had one of "those" days? You know the kind, where everything seems to go wrong? Jesus had THE worst day of His life when they nailed Him to the cross. His enemies thought they had won. He seemingly wasnt able to save Himself. Then He died. So, what does this have to do with you, you ask? Jesus died for YOU. And then comes the victory party because after He died, He rose again. Now He sits on the right hand of God, our Father. His job is to be there when you have a prayer. He speaks to the Father for you. So, you have some pretty big things that you did wrong in your life, huh? It doesnt matter to Him. Just ask and He will wash them all away.

Oh yeah, you've had one of those days, right? Well, Jesus has been Anointed for the purpose of relieving these and other burdens. He has the Anointing on him, and that Anointing is the Holy Spirit of God. that Spirit is available to ALL who accept Jesus, FREE for the asking!

What are you waiting for? ASK!!!

Testimonies to the Glory of God
Articles of interest
Bible Studies
Christian Webrings

A special guestbook for anyone to leave prayer requests and praise reports
Your prayer requests and praise reports are forwarded to prayer warriors for prayer and praise!

Ideas? Suggestions? Comments? Let us know in our Guest Book.

Email Links:

Click Here to look at some of our family Pictures.

For some great Christian fellowship, discussion, and prayer support,
Please Consider Joining the Jesus-n-u email list.
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Places to go:
Ahead Maximum Warp!


Kenneth Copeland Ministries
The Teaching ministries of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.
John Hagee Ministries
Global Evangelism
World Harvest Church
Pastor Rod Parsley
Jack Van Impe Ministries International
Prophecy and Bible Study
This Week In Bible Prophecy
Bible Prophecy in light of current events!
Jesse Duplantis Ministries
God's comedian ;-)
Jerry Savelle Ministries International
House of Praise
Evangelical Outreach
Christian Life
Lion of the tribe of Judah
You're Never Alone
Caring Counseling Ministries
Bearhugs From Jesus
Peter and Beata Parzer's page
Teen Prayer Page
Marriage, Doing it God's way.

On-Line Bibles and reference tools: Blue letter Bible
A Great On-Line Web based Bible! compleate with search and reference tools!

Goshen On line Bible Study Tools

Christian Music Links:
Tom Lascoe's Praise & Worship Song Center
original praise & worship midi's
Ray Boltz page
One of the best in Christian Music
Carman's Home page
Another Great source of Christian music.
Gilberto & Elton's 'Songs of Praise'
Great Christian MiDi collection! Original Works!
Christian MIDI collection

egaP emoH s'ytfeL
Left Handed? Then This page is for you!
Stop by Peggies Place

For those interested in Arkansas weather information:
Little Rock Nexrad, click here
Regional Radar Summary

Isaiah 40:31 by Gilberto & Elton
you are visitor [because our old counter failed, please add 5600 to this number]

SafeSurf Rated All Ages

This page last updated on 00/06/11 16:33:23