A Church Revival.
by-Lura Langenback

The church I used to go to, used to have a prayer service VERY early in the morning so that people could be ready for the day. It was marvelous. I would encourage anyone who wants a really GOOD start to your day, to go to your church leadership and ask them to start a daily morning prayer service. We ended up praying about the church, neighborhood, town, surrounding cities, county, state, country, and the world. We prayed over the law enforcement people, the courts, the mayor and city council. But we also prayed over peoples needs. At or near the end of the morning service, we ended up getting out of our seats... walking around the walls of the church, claiming the church for the Lord, claiming our yokes removed, our bondage broken. And you know what? Things started to happen. There were a bunch of testimonies about financial burdens removed, sickness and disease going away, and lots of other things. It was incredible. And it was the prayer that started all that. See, the people were okay in that church but most were not ON FIRE for the Lord. That changed. There was revival there. And it started with prayer. It started with a simple prayer service in the mornings at the church when no one really wanted to be in a church. Our service started at 5:42am. Our pastor had gone to a service, just like the one we eventually had, in Fort Worth one time. The Lord spoke to him about it and our church started it too. I was blessed to be able to go to that church in Fort Worth myself and it was INCREDIBLE. But then, after a while it was that way in our church too!!!!!! And it was the prayer and the faithfulness of a few people in that church. We probably had 75-100 people in the church that were regular attendees. BUT the morning service was first attended by less than 10 people. But it grew. And the results were AWESOME.

Okay, if you find that you cant go to the leadership of the church, then get on your knees in the morning in your own house and pray that there would be revival or a prayer service in your church in the mornings. It needs to start somewhere!!!! Hallelujah!!!!! What a Saviour!!!! Thank You Jesus!! The Anointing will GROW!!!!! The church AND YOU will be in revival such as you have never seen!!!!! Praise God!!!!

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