" . . . In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him . . . "
Rom 8:37
In Acts 27, Paul's ship got into a storm.
let's look at how to get out of one - without losing everything. First,
prepare for the storm before you get into it! The wise man built his house
upon the rock, because he believed in storms. (Matt 7:24) Where did we ever
get the idea that Christians shouldn't have problems? God's more interested
in your character than He is in your comfort. Listen, ". . . to you it has
been granted . . . to suffer for His sake." (Phil 1:29) This is warfare -
not welfare!
Next, stay calm! Panic kills more pilots than bad weather, because it
destroys your ability to function properly. In the storm, Jesus said to His
disciples ". . . It is I; be not afraid." (Mk 6:50) Get your eyes on Jesus
and keep them there, otherwise your fear will hurt you more than your
Finally, never abandon your purpose! They threw their cargo - the purpose
for their journey - overboard! Don't do it! Never let go of the purpose for
which God has called you, for it will sustain you in the storm. Paul said,
"We know that all things work together for good . . . to them who are the
called according to His purpose." (Rom 8:28) Be strong, today; the storm
doesn't control your destiny, God does! He's still in charge. Stand up and
announce, "In all these things we are more than conquerors." (Rom 8:37)
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