Doing whatever it takes.
author unknown

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Heb 12:1

Listen to these verses: "So we continued the work with half the men holding spears, from the first light of dawn till the stars came out." (Neh 4:21) That's hard work and that's what it took for Nehemiah to build the wall and win the war. Listen to this: " . . . Try to excel in gifts that build up the church." (1 Cor 14:12) That's excellence and that's what it's going to take to convince the world that we have what they need.

It's time for Christians to take some risks! When Charles Lindbergh was flying across Newfoundland, he recalls looking down for places to land in case of problems. But when he reached the coast he said, "In that moment, I realised that there was no turning back." We've all got to reach that place! Lindbergh did it because he had a vision of being the first man to fly the Atlantic. What's your vision? Certainly you'll make mistakes, that's part of learning and growing. But God's more interested in your development than He is in your mistakes. Stop selling yourself short! It was forty-eight years ago that Johnny Weismuller was the greatest swimmer in the world; he held fifty world records. Today, thirteen year old girls break his record every time they go into the pool. Don't limit your potential - you can do better! Let God show you - let God equip you - and let God use you.

Prayer: Please pray that the church (God's people) will do what it takes to go and make disciples.

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